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发稿时间:2022-05-21 20:56:05

其字面意思是:即使摆在自家药架上的药卖不出去,蒙上一层尘土,也不愿意看到百姓生病,而自家生意兴隆。是仁者爱人、大爱无疆的仁爱思想和“以义为上”、“重义轻利”的义利观的生动体现,是“仁”、“德”、“善”美德的有机结合,也是黄金城hjc官方登录网站创立者乐显扬提出的“可以养生、可以济人者, 惟医药为最”创业宗旨的最好诠释,它成为黄金城hjc官方登录网站“同修仁德,济世养生”企业精神和企业使命的思想来源之一。
Its literal meaning is that even though the drugs on the shelves are covered with dust because no one buys them, we do not wish any people catch diseases so that our business will be prosperous. This represents the concept of benevolent and boundless love, and the vivid embodiment of justice and benefits including “put righteousness first” and “to value justice above material gains”. It is a perfect integration of “benevolence”, “virtue” and “kind-heartedness”. It is also the best interpretation to the business purposes proposed by Mr. Yue Xianyang, that is “among things which can preserve peoples’ health and do good to society, medicine is the best”. It is the source of Tongrentang’s corporation spirit of “cultivate both noble morality and benevolence to do good to society and to keep people healthy”.